
* Starts at
Consultation by SpecialistFREE
Digital Panoramical XrayFREE
Digital TomographyFREE
Local AnesthesiaFREE
General AnesthesiaCAD        620,10
SedationCAD        453,15
Implant BEGO (German)CAD        634,41
Implant STRAUMANN/ITI (Swiss)CAD        954,00
İmplant ZYGOMACAD    3.935,25
Sinus LiftingCAD        954,00
Bone GraftingCAD        954,00
Metal Fused Veneer Kuron Ceramic Crown on ImplantCAD        318,00
Zirconium Crown on ImplantCAD        477,00
Zirconium Crown on Implant with occlusial screwCAD        524,70
All-On-Four BEGO Implant (1 jaw: 4 implants - excl. Denture)CAD    3.816,00
All-On-Four NOBEL Implant (1 jaw: 4 implants - excl. Denture)CAD    6.996,00
All on Six BEGO (1 jaw: 6 implants - excl. Denture)CAD    5.406,00
All on Six NOBEL (1 jaw: 6 implants - excl. Denture)CAD    9.381,00
All On Four / Six - Hybrid  (1 jaw)CAD    5.724,00
All On Four / Six - Zirkonyum  (1 jaw)CAD    7.950,00
Cosmetic Dentistry
Metal Fused Ceramic CrownCAD        206,70
Zirconium CrownCAD        357,75
Laminate Veneer Empress / EmaxCAD        556,50
Emax - Full CeramicCAD        477,00
Empress - Full CeramicCAD        477,00
Ceramic Inley-Onley Filling (2-3 faces)CAD        349,80
Composite Laminate Veneer(Bonding)CAD        190,80
Digital Smile Design Mock-Up (1 jaw)CAD        198,75
Dental Bleaching (Full Mouth)CAD        286,20
LocaterCAD        397,50
Oral & Dental Surgery
Tooth ExtractionCAD           47,70
Impacted Tooth ExtractionCAD        214,65
Complicated Tooth ExtractionCAD           79,50
Impacted Tooth Extraction (With Bone Retention)CAD        286,20
Conservative Dentistry / Endodontics
Composite Filling (1 face)CAD           87,45
Composite Filling (2 faces)CAD        103,35
Composite Filling (3 faces)CAD        111,30
Root Canal Treatment (1 canal) (including composite filling)CAD        214,65
Root Canal Treatment (2 canal)(including composite filling)CAD        246,45
Root Canal Treatment (3 canal) (including composite filling)CAD        270,30
Retreatment (excluding composite filling - 1 canal)CAD        190,80
Retreatment (excluding composite filling - 2/3 canals)CAD        262,35
Fiber PostCAD        119,25
Scalling (Cleaning Tartars-full mouth)CAD        103,35
Dental Curettage - One teethCAD           39,75
Dental Curettage - Full MouthCAD        604,20
Flap operation (per tooth) (including subgingival curettage - single tooth)CAD           87,45
Half Chin Flap OperationCAD        429,30
Full FlapCAD    1.438,95
Gingivectomy (One teeth)CAD           71,55
Denture (1 jaw) (5 years of guarantee)CAD        906,30
Immediat Denture (1 jaw) AcrylicCAD        453,15
Partial Denture (Metal- One jaw)CAD        961,95
Night Guard (Bruxism)CAD        135,15
Night Guard (TME)CAD        437,25
Clear Correct OneCAD    4.134,00
Clear Correct UnlimitedCAD    5.406,00
Invisilign ComprehensiveCAD    6.996,00
Orthodonty (Starts From)CAD    3.180,00