Medicte, based in Istanbul, specializes in providing comprehensive health check-up packages to Canadian patients. Our services combine the expertise of Turkish healthcare with the convenience and care tailored to international visitors.
A health check-up at Medicte is a thorough medical screening designed for individuals who are generally healthy. It includes a variety of tests and examinations, tailored to assess your overall health, identify potential health issues, and guide preventive measures.
Importance of Regular Check-Ups for Canadians: Regular health check-ups are crucial for early detection and prevention of diseases. For Canadians visiting Istanbul, Medicte offers check-ups that can identify silent conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, and detect early stages of serious diseases.
Customized Medical Check-Up for Canadians: Our check-up packages at Medicte are personalized based on individual factors like age, gender, lifestyle, and medical history. They typically include:
We recommend an annual check-up for adults. However, this can vary based on individual health conditions and family medical history.
The Medicte Check-Up Experience: Canadians can expect a detailed discussion about their health history and lifestyle during their check-up at Medicte. We offer a one-day service, ensuring a thorough and efficient health evaluation.
Preparing for Your Check-Up: For the most effective check-up, we advise fasting for 8-10 hours prior to the appointment. It's best to avoid certain foods, alcohol, and medications as per our guidelines.
Health Check-Up Packages for Canadians: Medicte offers two main check-up plans:
Check-Up Package Details: The packages include various consultations, dental exams, cardiological examinations, radiological screenings, pathological exams, and a broad range of laboratory tests.
Experience Health Care and Turkish Hospitality with Medicte: Choose Medicte for your health check-up in Istanbul and combine world-class medical care with the opportunity to explore the vibrant culture and history of Turkey. Our team is dedicated to making your medical journey comfortable and stress-free.