We have a unique beauty because of our faces. We briefly have ethnic heritage and our own anatomy which has a harmony with our faces. At this point, some of us do not like the view of our noses time to time. And some of us finally decide to undergo the surgery to have new looking infront of the mirror and right investment to our self - esteem. It is possible to have it through rhinoplasty procedure which is a major surgery. Then there are few questions with the answers about the rhinoplasty which we list in the below;


Who are able to undergo the rhinoplasty and how does it work?

Unhappy patient with the shape or the size of the nose, when the patient compares his / her nose to his / her other facial structures, nervous patient of the nose structure, affected patient by a nasal condition as congenital, suffered patient from an acute nose injury, unable to breathe regularly, dissatisfied patient because of the nose job performed by another surgeon. The patient also needs to be mature both physically and emotionally. At the same time the patient needs to be healthy, needs to be reached facial maturity (minimum age 18), smoke free life, the patient needs to be able to avoid any blood thinning medication for several weeks, the patient’s expectations have to be reasonable medically and when the patient decides to undergo the surgery, the other related specialists need to confirm the surgery.



Is that possible to have a natural looking through rhinoplasty?

Yes, it is possible to have a natural looking. At the same time, it is really up to the plastic surgeon and you. Because if the plastic surgeon frankly thinks about the patient’s unique features of the face, independent anatomy and soul. Finally, the patient has a nose which has a harmony with the face. So, the patient does not have a mark nose wherever we can see and the patient has natural nose. For this reason, the patient needs to be clear about his / her expectations and concerns about the nose and the procedure before undergo the surgery.



What if the result does not provide healthy change?

Unfortunately, it is possible not to have a healthy change. For this reason, medical consultation from the plastic surgeon before making a decision to undergo the surgery is really important. Because, the patient has a chance to share the concerns and expectations about the nose and the related procedure. At the same time, the surgeon has an idea about the patient’s medical condition, the patient’s concerns, expectations and if rhinoplasty or any other medical procedure appropriate for the patient medically, the surgeon can inform the patient. The patient also is able to see the surgeon’s previous results through before and after photos. It is possible that patient experiences a succesfull surgery after completing all the steps. But there can be a lack of satisfaction because of the surgery regarding the shape of the nose or difficulty in breathing. The patient needs revision surgery in these kind of cases.



How to be sure about being able to undergo the revision surgery?

Rhinoplasty can be performed for medical purposes such as providing better breathing, removing polyps, treating chronic allergy. Rhinoplasty is known as effective procedure. But, not all patients are satisfied with its results; therefore, they undergo another surgery called revision rhinoplasty. The nose briefly is reshaped again through revision surgery to correct the deformities. There are some problems to see if the patient can undergo the revision surgery / secondary nose job; upturned nose, a dorsal nose hump, pinched nose tip, difficulty in breathing during the day or the night in the sleep, a deviated septum, need of nose tip correction, surgical scar or keloids, loss of nasal height, tip bossing, assymetric result. Please be advised that you need to make a detailed search for revision surgery. Because it is more complex than the initial surgery. Therefore, it requires a high level of skill and experience. Having a high level of skill and experience is regarding the initial surgeries are not enough for the revision surgeries.


It is possible to have a natural looking through nose job and it is possible to undergo the revision rhinoplasty. The most important topic is having open communication with your surgeon to have a successful result and healing process.