Aesthetic & Beauty

OPERATIONMin Stay in Hospıtal
Min Stay in Hotel 
* Starts at
Total Abdominal Liposculpture (360° Liposuction)15CAD     5.180,00
BBL (Fat Transfer to Buttocks)16CAD     5.880,00
Tummy Tuck27CAD     5.320,00
Total Body Reshaping (Abd+Lipo+BBL)27CAD   11.900,00
Total Body Reshaping (Lipo+BBL)26CAD     9.100,00
Twopack and front area liposuction26CAD     4.200,00
Sixpack and front area liposuction for men26CAD     4.900,00
Mini Tummy Tuck26CAD     4.200,00
Body Lift (360° Tightining)310CAD   13.300,00
Butt Lift27CAD     6.860,00
Butt Lift + Fat Transfer26CAD   10.500,00
Butt Lift (including back beautification + fat transfer)27CAD   11.480,00
Butt Lift with Implant (including back beautification + fat transfer)27CAD   13.580,00
Lipo 1 Area00CAD     2.660,00
Lipo 2 Areas12CAD     2.940,00
Lipo 3 Areas13CAD     3.430,00
Lipo 4 Areas13CAD     3.738,00
Lipo 5 Areas13CAD     3.990,00
Butt Implant ( Implant İsmi ile )26CAD     7.560,00
Mommy Makeover310CAD   15.400,00
Arm Lifting16CAD     4.480,00
Arm Lifting + Beautification14CAD     5.880,00
Leg Lifting16CAD     5.180,00
Abdominoplasty Revision (Scar Eksizyonu)03CAD     2.660,00
360 Lipo + Tummy Tuck24CAD     8.680,00
Incisionless Gynecomastia with NIL14CAD     3.780,00
Cutting Gynecomastia with NIL14CAD     4.480,00
Nevus Excision (1 Mole)10CAD         910,00
Scar Revision (Minor) - General12CAD     1.190,00
Scar Revision (Moderate) - General14CAD     1.680,00
Scar Revision (Major) - General17CAD     2.800,00
Breast Lifting27CAD     4.620,00
Breast Lifting with Implants27CAD     6.860,00
Breast Lifting with  Anatomic Implants27CAD     7.000,00
Breast Reduction27CAD     6.580,00
Breast Augmentation with Implants16CAD     5.180,00
Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Implants16CAD     5.320,00
Breast Implant Exchange16CAD     5.180,00
Breast Anatomic Implant Exchange (Mentor)16CAD     5.320,00
Mammoplsty Revision  (Scar Eksizyonu)03CAD     2.660,00
Capsulectomy13CAD     1.820,00
Blepharoplasty (Lower Eyelid)15CAD     1.960,00
Blepharoplasty (Lower Eyelid & Fat Transfer)15CAD     2.380,00
Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid)15CAD     1.540,00
Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid & Fat Transfer)15CAD     1.960,00
Blepharoplasty (Lower Eyelid & Upper Eyelid)15CAD     2.660,00
Blepharoplasty (Lower & Upper Eyelid & Fat Transfer)26CAD     3.360,00
Blepharoplasty (Ptosis Eyelid)26CAD     3.360,00
Lower Eyelid fat transfer (stemcel enriched fat)01CAD     2.240,00
Almond Eye03CAD     2.520,00
Total Face Rejuvenation26CAD   14.700,00
Face Lifting16CAD     5.950,00
Vertical Face Lift15CAD     4.900,00
Forhead Lift15CAD     3.500,00
Neck Lifting16CAD     4.900,00
Platysmoplasty15CAD     2.100,00
Eyebrow Lifting15CAD     2.660,00
Chin Prothesis03CAD     5.180,00
Chin Lipo02CAD     2.100,00
Temporal Lifting03CAD     2.940,00
Lip Reduction02CAD     3.500,00
Lip Lifting02CAD     3.080,00
Mole Removal02CAD         840,00
Fat Juice02CAD     1.680,00
Dimple (Facial)02CAD     1.680,00
Neck Lifting with Threads00CAD     2.450,00
Cheek Lifting with Threads00CAD     2.450,00
Eyebrow Lifting with Threads00CAD     2.450,00
BİCHECTOMY02CAD     3.080,00
Fat Transfer to Upper Legs14CAD     4.340,00
Fat Transfer to Lower Legs14CAD     4.340,00
Fat Transfer to Hands01CAD     2.800,00
Fat Transfer to Breast14CAD     5.180,00
Fat Transfer Genital01CAD     2.660,00
Fat Tranfer to Face13CAD     2.660,00
Fat Transfer to Lip01CAD     2.030,00
Fat Injection (2-3 Area)12CAD     1.750,00
Fat Injection (1 Area)12CAD     1.190,00
Surgical Otoplasty02CAD     1.890,00
Surgical Otoplasty Single Ear02CAD     1.470,00
Incisionless Otoplasty02CAD     1.820,00
FUE Hair Transplant02CAD     2.730,00
DHI Hair Transplant02CAD     4.200,00
FUE with stem cell02CAD     3.920,00
Beard Hair Transplant02CAD     2.520,00
Eyebrow with stem cell02CAD     2.520,00
Rhinoplasty15CAD     3.920,00
Primier Septorhino Plasty15CAD     3.920,00
Seconder Septorhino Plasty.15CAD     4.900,00
Primier Septorhino Plasty with Greft  ( Costa - Ear )15CAD     5.600,00
Seconder Septorhino Plasty with Greft  ( Costa - Ear )15CAD     7.980,00
Nose Reduction Rhinoplasty15CAD     3.360,00